Qing Magazine
Being a full service content creation company with over 15 years of experience, The Qing Creative Agency is now officially launching our in house magazine brand, curated and directed by @SadieReidy. This project is fully non-profit with a sole ambition of spotlighting all types of creatives from the thinkers to the executors, down to the familiar faces of models that physicalize all concepts.
Our magazine projects are broken down as follows:

Our In-House segment is strictly by spotlight invitation or approved referral. For this section, our creative team reaches out to specific creators, businesses, entrepreneurs, or even a person with no industry background. We then sponsor a professional photoshoot, interview and campaign spotlighting that individual or group and their work.
Our Featured segment appreciates and features beautiful projects in our community that fit the concept of the respective volume of our magazine. This section is limited to professional and freelance creatives (photographers, cinematographers, models, actors, musicians, painters, and all categories of creatives.)